The Emotional Effects of Using Drugs

  Using drugs does not only refer to cocaine, heroin, marihuana and other illegal drugs, it also applies to prescribed, sleeping pills, pain killers and many others sold over the counter every day. It is easy to tell yourself you are not a drug addict because you do not take illegal drugs and your pills have been prescribed by a doctor. The true fact is that you can be a drug addict too. Whatever the reason, if you take any kind of drug, prescribed or not prescribed daily or constantly and if you need this medication to function normally, you are a drug addict.

The reason why you take drugs or why you started taking drugs in the first place is not important right now. We will deal with the emotional aspect of day to day drug ingestion and what this does to your ability to cope with day to day life. We all know that a person who is addicted to a substance needs to take it every day and in many cases, more than once or twice per day This in itself puts a lot on pressure on the individual because he or she has to procure his daily drug needs. This requires money and time he or she could have spent doing something useful or buying something he or she needs.

Unfortunately a drug addict will rather buy his drugs than eat when there is not enough money for both. There comes a time, as the addiction advances and the need for another fix grows, that an addict will disregard all responsibilities and needs in order to get enough drugs to quench his or her addiction. The emotional effect this has in his or her life can truly be devastating, especially when money and a family are involved in the equation. The fact is that the world is beautiful while under the effect of drugs but when this is gone the feelings of guilt and shame are emotionally overwhelming.

As time goes and your addiction grows, you will stay away from your friends, your family, everything will revolve around your addict friends and your next dose. And these new friends will only be there when you have something to share not because they love you and care for you but because you have drugs to give to them. You will eventually get fired from your job cutting the flow of money which will drive them away too. Loneliness and the need to hide your addiction from others may be the two most important emotional factors you will have to face. This may not be happening now but believe me, it will happen eventually.

For example people who need sleeping pills to sleep; their body is trained to rest with the medication. Without it you will go through the night without closing your eyes for a second. Sleep deprivation is mortal to your body and your mind too. Lack of cocaine will take away all your energies and leave you in bed like a rag doll. Missing your heroin shot or snooze will produce physical pain and mental anguish. Drug addiction is very dangerous both physically and emotionally, it drains the body of strength and the will to fight and go through the day.

Even if you do have enough money to buy your drugs all the time, life will not be easy at all. The emotional burden of hiding all the time and making great efforts to avoid someone noticing something different in you or changes in your personality is tremendous. It is so big that eventually you prefer not to see these people anymore. You stop communicating and sharing with them and you stay by yourself when possible. This in itself is emotionally draining, human beings are group animals, they live in communities and it is very hard, if not impossible being alone unless you hide permanently in your house. And what about your family? What about your next door neighbors with whom you have shared for many years?

Life as a drug addict is complicated and lonely; eventually everyone around you will assume or know what you are doing. There is no shame in accepting the truth and seeking for help in a rehabilitation program. There are people who specialize in helping individuals like yourself and millions of others. There is shame though in continuing on the road of destruction you are in now. It is always possible to turn back, it does not matter what you have done, where you stand and how long you have been there, and if you have the will with proper assistance and care you can get your life back. Start again, live, drug addiction is a state of death which kills the spirit and destroys the body and mind. Now is the time to do it.

My name is Cesar Batres and I have been writing website content for more than five years. I enjoy my work and writing about any topic I am required to write about. I also enjoy doing research on any topic I do not know about. Drug abuse is damaging to the body and the mind too, the emotional load produced by the need for drugs can take a person over the edge very fast. Abuusing drugs kills the spirit, takes away the will to fight and improve yourself. I f you believe or know that you are abusing any kind of drug today, please find help, as soon as possible. Every day that goes by makes quitting harder, do yourself a favor and stop now.

Who wants to be branded a pot head in our drug-test economy? Not anyone I know. It's a costly label garnered from a stereotype of those who abuse cannabis but typically don't think they are.

The 'evil drug' mental construct placed on cannabis officially dates back only 81 years in the United States. One man, Harry Anslinger, made it happen.

The Birth of Drug Wars

Back in 1930 Harry Anslinger became the first commissioner in the U.S. of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics which we now know as the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). The story goes that he initially did not oppose marijuana, at all, saying, "There is no more absurd fallacy" regarding harm to people and its provocation to violence. (1) That is... until he became the commissioner.

Prohibition for alcohol was soon to end and so it appears that perhaps Anslinger chose to lump marijuana in with heroin and cocaine for the sake of his job security, holding the position for a record 32 years.

In a radio address he asserted, regarding what was then known as "Indian Hemp," that young people would become "slaves to this narcotic, continuing addiction until they deteriorate mentally, become insane, turn to violent crime and murder."

Despite little scientific evidence for his claims at that time, he craftily sensationalized marijuana and disparaged African Americans and Latinos, in particular, as those leading the way. Anslinger succeeded in scaring the begeebers out of Americans.

Commissioner Anslinger's all-out efforts generated the context for the movie, Reefer Madness in 1936, to further terrify the American population. As the person who drafted the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937, (2) his dramatic testimony before Congress no doubt influenced its passing.

Additionally, Anslinger found a significant ally in William Randolph Hearst, of the Hearst media empire, who readily provided the platform and gave voice to Anslinger's anti-Indian hemp campaign. (3) Some say Hearst partnered with Anslinger to protect his own lumber-enterprise interests against potential competition from industrial hemp.

The Medical Marijuana Challenge Continues

To this day cannabis is a Schedule I drug along side of heroin and others which are stated to have "no currently accepted medical treatment use in the U.S." Yet this official statement flies in the face of the very same government's understanding of the plant's evidence-based benefits. Pure hypocrisy.

How so? In 2003, U.S. Patent No. 6,630,507 was granted to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (4) It is a patent for the potential use of plant cannabinoids found in cannabis sativa that are non-psychoactive, and for the stated purpose of protecting the brain in the case of damage and degenerative diseases.

Though 29 states and Washington DC have legalized medical marijuana, there are many restrictions with some states being cannabidiol (CBD) only, and others have no provisions for cannabis use whatsoever. When you have a chance, watch this video, The Life She Deserves: Medical Marijuana, created by the Brookings Institute in Washington, DC.

What more evidence could there be than the amazing recovery for the girl in the video. Cannabis is a plant, for goodness sake. Here's what Willie Nelson says about it:

"I think people need to be educated to the fact that marijuana is not a drug. Marijuana is an herb and a flower. God put it here. If He put it here and He wants it to grow, what gives the government the right to say that God is wrong?"


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